After graduating from Trinity Hall, Robin Jackson completed his National Service before working for a period in industry. In 1965, he was appointed Lecturer in Electrical Engineering and elected a Fellow of Selwyn College.
In 1995, Robin fell ill and, very sadly, died, aged 57.
Robin made a large number of significant contributions to the Department. He was an extremely conscientious and very popular teacher. When the Engineering Tripos was reformed into the current 4-year MEng course in the early 1990s, he was a key member of the team that set up the 2nd year Integrated Design Project (IDP), which ran for the first time in October 1993.
Many of his research efforts were directed at improving the lives of disabled people and he became a pioneer and world leader in Rehabilitation Robotics.
He was extremely self-effacing and his obituary in the Selwyn Calendar ended: ‘He will be remembered … as a man who did much good quietly.’
If you are interested in applying for the Robin Jackson Design Fund, please read the "Full details of the fund" document below. Note that the funs is to be primarily directed at undergraduates in the Engineering Department, but will not exclude Research students within the Department.
Once you ahve completed the application form, please email the completed form to the Dyson Centre manager here.
Full details of the fund are available here (pdf, docx).
Application forms are available here (pdf, docx).
DRP39, Feb 2023